When it came to family planning I used to always say “I don’t want a summer baby and I don’t want a December/Christmas baby.” Well, joke is on me because our oldest, Gavin, was born in the middle of summer in August, and Gentry was born not only in December, but on Christmas morning! Having a “Christmas Baby” doesn’t get any more literal than that...
Of all the things buzzing around in my mind these days that I should be blogging about, for some reason I feel the most compelled to talk about
Before Gentry was born, I decided instead of doing the typical "newborn" photo shoot, I wanted to do something a little more natural: an at-home shoot with him and our family. And I knew exactly who I wanted to use...
Only 4 more days until Christmas 2017 is here! I know I have been talking a lot about how pregnant and hormonal I am, but I swear that’s not the only reason I am feeling so sentimental about this year’s Christmas. It will be the last Christmas we spend in our Gilbert home, but at the same time it is also kind of our first!
We love the outdoors. We camp, hike, shoot, etc.. One of our favorite spots to camp in AZ is up on the Mogollon Rim, just past Payson. Every time we make the drive through Payson we look at each other and say things like “We could totally live here.” ... “Wouldn’t it be awesome if you ever got a job up here?” Well.... Be careful what you wish for, folks - we are moving to Payson!
Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post. Here we are a year later and I am 2-3 weeks away from delivering our second child! Where has the time gone?? You’ll have to forgive me as I desperately attempt to catch up on this past year with a few “better late than never” posts! Brace yourselves!
There has been so much on my mind this past year, but especially this past month. So many changes ahead of us! A few weeks ago Eric was offered a job up in the mountains in Payson, Arizona. So we are relocating in the Spring next year. I am so excited about the move, but also sad about what we will leave behind. I have so much to say about it all but it will have to wait until my next blog post because first and foremost I can’t get off my mind the fact that I only have a few weeks left with just my firstborn son! My sweet, precious baby, Gavin! 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there...'
Our little family of three is celebrating Christmas tomorrow morning so we can have some intimate family time and build our own Christmas traditions before we travel and celebrate with extended family over the next week. I am feeling pretty giddy about it! It's not technically G's first Christmas but he was only 4 months old last year so I'm pretty excited to experience it with him this year and the years to come. I know it will only get better and better. I just adore my little family that Heavenly Father has given me.
Next to Christmas, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Maybe because it allows for my wilder/darker side to show it's colors without shame. Or maybe it's because dressing up in costumes is so much fun and allows our inner child to go wild. Either way, I try and take full advantage of the holiday each year, and one of my favorite family traditions we have is our annual "Pumpkin Carving Ebola Party." We started the tradition a few years back when Ebola outbreaks were scaring the nation, so we jokingly decided to throw "Ebola" into the party name, and it stuck - we aren't too politically correct at my house, and I love that about my family.
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Mrs. Daum:Thanks for stopping by!
Here you can explore what it's like to live a "Daum Good Life" in the gorgeous Arizona desert as a wife, stay at home mother, amateur photographer, and wannabe cook! Instagram: Li3slD
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November 2018