My darling hubby painted the walls for me all by himself while I was just 3 months pregnant. When we bought our house there was this awful dark red and grey/white stripe thing going on in there and I guess it was quite the challenge covering it all up. But he did it without complaint and all by himself and is just the best hubby ever. He was so good to me while I was pregnant - he's the sweetest. <3
Ok enough gushing about my man... One of my favorite parts of the nursery is the dresser. Eric's grandfather made it by hand long ago and it has been passed down through the generations. Eric's mother had it, then Eric, and now our precious baby boy has it in his room. We painted it a nice, soft grey (it was black before) and I found the most adorable silver deer drawer knobs from Hobby Lobby that are just so perfect! They make me smile every time I open up a drawer to get Gavin dressed in the morning.
I also made the wire heart decoration hanging on the wall above the dresser. I got the idea from something I stumbled across on Pinterest long ago. It's just an old wire hanger and some ribbon. It was easy and fun to make and I think it adds a nice touch on the wall. You can make a bunch of them with different ribbons and use them for cute Valentines Day decorations or a romantic little girl's room or something.
I am also obsessed with the gold printed sign above the dresser that reads "The best is yet to come..." My best friend, Chaz gave that to me for my 29th Birthday last year, shortly after I had announced my pregnancy. It was such a thoughtful gift and perfectly summed up life for me at that moment. Looking back now, I can see even more how perfect those words really were for me. So much has changed in my life in the past year and it all has truly been the absolute best stuff that has ever happened to me. God is good. Life is good. <3